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Castaways has a storing system that allows players to store items. There are two parts of inventory, Inventory Tab and Inventory Bag. Inventory Tab has 8 storing spaces and Inventory Bag has 18 storing spaces. Items need to stay in Inventory Tab before being used. If Inventory spaces are taken up, items can not be picked. Be careful of your inventory space when you're fighting for Big fish!

How to Open Inventory Bag?

Press E button, or click Icon inventoryBag.png on the bottom of the screen.

Inventory .png

How to discard items from Inventory spaces?

First, select the item you want to discard, it needs to stay in the Inventory tab.
Then, press Q to discard it. Mind that you need to leave immediately after you discard the item or you will pick it up again.
Note: Be careful when you discard items on islands. You can not pick it up again if you're not an island member!

How to stack items?

In order to do that, item itself must be stackable. Left Click and hold the item you want to stack, then move it onto the same item. Currently, the upper limit of a stack is 64.

Sack (Homestead Update)

After the Homestead Update, players can now expand their inventory space to 468 maximum by making sacks (26 inventory space x 18 space/sack).
The formula for sacks are 8 x Icon oldBoot.pngOld Boot.
However, you can't put sacks into sacks.